根本Original |
根,是植物吸收養分的來源。 本,是書本。也是事物的本原、根源 兩者合在一起,則代表初始,同時也代表重要的意思。 在這腳步匆忙、生活忙碌的社會,人們承受著過大的壓力,失去原本單純快樂的自己 而種植植物、看作物成長、變化,能療癒心靈,達到紓壓效果,重拾平靜 我們把植物和書本結合在一起,把盆栽變成是一本書的樣子,當你一頁一頁往下翻,照著步驟做,你會得到一盆完全是由自己做的盆栽,讓人增加成就感,並且會對盆栽更有情感上的寄託,就像是寵物從小養到大的感覺。 所以我們希望藉由根本這本書,讓壓力過大和生活無趣的人,透過種植植物,找回最單純快樂的自我。這就是為甚麼我們要做這本書。
「根」means the root.The root is the source of plants to absorb nutrients.「本」means the book.In Chineese,it also means the source of things.If you read them together that means「Original根本」 Now the pace of a hurry, busy social life.People are very easy to lose himself because bear too much pressure. By planting plants and watching them grow can make people feel calm. We turning plants into a book.When you read it and do it step by step,you’ll totally get a handmade plants by yourself. So you get a sense of accomplishment and emotional of sustenance. It feels like a pet you feeding from small to large. We hope to make people who disorient himself can get back their own by planting plant.That's why we do this project.